10 Miles Today!

I’m not sure if we are really in the “taper” yet, getting ready for the New Albany Walking Classic half marathon, but we never have to walk as far as 10 miles again!Woo hoo!

We were lucky with weather today! It rained last night and early this morning, but it stopped before we started walking at 7:30. I think it is the luck of Deb. Anytime she chooses when we will walk, it is always the best weather of the day.

We were at a park with a lot of construction, which was annoying. Because of the rain, there were several large puddles. The loops are only 1.23 miles (according to Laura’s Garmin), so it made today’s mileage a little tougher mentally. Because Ameriaflora was hosted here years ago, the landscaping is great and the park is beautiful.

I have to admit, I didn’t get all of my mileage in this week. I think for that reason I’m a little more stiff than I should be normally. I really should not be stiff when we step down our mileage on Saturday. Regardless, I feel great and I’m feeling confident about the upcoming half marathon!
