One More Time

I had decided I would stop writing about Ohio weather, but for another day this week, it was cold and rainy. Luckily the bright sun from one day earlier this week helped my mood enough I was still able to get out today. I was bundled and over dressed, but I was out walking. Weather reports say we might even snow again tomorrow. (Yuck!) I hope it is nice this weekend so I can get my 10 miles in.

On a non-weather related topic, my arms are pretty weak. In fact, I had a rotator cuff injury last year, so my right arm is even more weak than my left! (I won’t explain how I injured my rotator cuff. Just too embarrasing.)

I decided it is time I finally do something about the situation and recently started lifting light weights. It’s been a little over a week, and I can already feel a difference.

Most people don’t realize that upper body strength and flexibility are important to walking. I’m hoping that as I work on my racewalking form, having a little more flexibility in my shoulders will help my speed.
