Open Letter to Oprah

Dear Oprah,

I would make a great guest for your show! I have all of the qualities you look for in a guest.

First: I am a formerly unfit person who has changed my life and my lifestyle. I walked a marathon for my 40th birthday and I haven’t stopped. I could be an inspiration to other women who feel it is too late to get fit. I would be a great before and after!

Second: I have taken my passion and created a small business around it. In fact, I am now helping other people to set health and fitness goals and achieve them. It’s a great magazine, and it is obvious from every issue that I believe in a fit lifestyle. This show’s theme could be “Turning Your Dream into a Business.”

Third: I’m a fellow magazine publisher. We magazine publishers need to stick together! The theme of this show could be “How to Successfully Publish Your Own Magazine.”

Fourth: I’d really like to expand the magazine — increase the number of issues, increase the size, do more PR, but that requires some investors. With your help, I’m confident I could find the perfect partner to assist with my expansion. I’m not asking for you to invest, but with your connections, I’m confident I could help change the world. Maybe the theme of this show could be “Helping out Small Businesses,” or “Business Match Making.”

Fifth: If you choose me to be on your show from a blog posting, it would make a great “How do We Select our Guests,” show.

To help seal the deal, I would be happy to give all of your audience members a one-year subscription at no charge.

So, Oprah, thank you for taking the time to read this open letter. I’ll be waiting for your phone call!

Cindi Leeman
WALK Magazine
