Darris and Star Blackford. Darris is the columbus marathon race director who walked for 12 hours and can be called the walking man.

Episode 23 – The Walking Man (Surprise! It’s Darris Blackford.)

Walking man
The walking man walks
Well, any other man stops and talks
But the walking man walks

-James Taylor

Darris and Star Blackford.

Would you walk for 12 straight hours, on a 1-mile loop, just for the fun of it? Columbus Marathon Director Darris Blackford recently did this, covering more than 50 miles walking around the Antrim Park lake.

In this episode, Darris talks about

  • his love of walking and the aunt and grandmother who inspired him,
  • why he and his wife Star make up creative races and challenges just for the fun of it,
  • why Star ran for 12 hours and he chose to walk,
  • why they chose Antrim Park,
  • ramen noodles,
  • walking the Columbus Marathon course to see how hard it was,
  • why the 2020 Columbus Marathon was cancelled and what the future holds,
  • and more.



December 9, 2020 at 2:54 pm

Yes, Sharon Woods is such a treasure here in Columbus. I moved here 5 yrs ago and my first park to run in was Sharon Woods. I was in love with this city after that.

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