On Ice

Today I met with the Buckeye Striders for our weekly group walk. It was a beautiful morning with temps in the high 20s or low 30s and almost no wind. Most of the members were training for an upcoming half, so were scheduled to do 8 miles. This was a step-down week for me, so I planned to do just 4.

Though it wasn’t particularly cold, the trails were slick!!! I think we spent most of our time walking in the grass beside the trail. It took us over 45 min to walk just 2.25 miles.

We saw over a hundred runners with a different training group coming from the other end of the trail. How they kept from falling, I don’t know.

Regardless it was really fun! The runners were especially friendly today. We bonded over the slick walkway and laughed as we took turns slipping and sliding. Only two of us wiped out! (We were lucky.) And no one got hurt. I also feel as if I worked some totally different muscles today between walking on the grass and sliding around.

I hope those of you who walked today had clearer trails!
