Portland in 2009?

I’ve had a couple of people ask me if I would be interested in doing the Portland Marathon. Many of you know I have not walked farther than a half marathon since 2002 when I completed my last full marathon.

Part of the reason I’m considering doing Portland next year is that I’m entering the Big Sur 21-mile event this year, and the training for a marathon and the 21-miler are not much different.

Also, I figure if I start planning now, I might actually be ready.

So, anyone interested in doing Portland in 2009?



February 3, 2008 at 4:20 pm

YES! Would love to do the Portland Marathon next year! They have a real racewalking division :).

By the way, still have not received my Winter WALK! Magazine. I hope that I will eventually get it???

February 7, 2008 at 9:18 am

Yes!!!! One thing to scratch off my Bucket list (if I had one). I’ve always wanted to do a full marathon.

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