My moods are affected by the change of season and the amount of sunlight in a day. Yes, I’m one of those people who suffer from SAD – seasonal affective disorder.

Fall is always the hardest season for me. The days are noticeably shorter, and I know it will just get worse. In addition, there is a lot of change in the Fall. Summer ending and school starting are the two that affect me most.

Growing up, we moved a lot, so I always had issues with school. I had trouble making friends and often did not fit in. The beginning of the school year always brought that stress to a head because of new teachers, new classes, etc. Here I am in my forties, still affected by the negative feelings the new school year always caused me.

When I’m stressed, the negative feelings of Fall are intensified! Here it is mid-August, and I’m already feeling sad about shorter days and school starting. (Hmmm, could my stress levels be elevated this year?)

Luckily, walking year-round outside seems to help. If I can get out when the sun is out, it greatly enhances my mood. Getting up in the dark to walk makes it worse. (Like yesterday.) This year, I am even more aware of the shortening days, and it is hard for me.

The good news is, in the middle of winter when everyone else is depressed about the shorter days, I am all too aware the days have started to get longer. By the end of December and middle of January, I’m noticing the couple minutes more of light each day, and it boosts my mood!

So, until then, I’ll try to walk when it’s light out and attempt to keep my stress under control.



August 11, 2008 at 5:02 pm

Cindi, you are not alone. I suffer from SAD and I need year round walking to help me. Plus I have you on RSS feed. Keep writing. You are my cheerleader as I being the transition to race walking.

S. Beasley

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