Why You Should join the WALKtober Walking Challenge

If you’re looking for a way to increase your activity and chase off pandemic-related blues, WALK Magazine has organized a month-long walking challenge in October – WALKtober!

The rules are simple:

  • Set your own walking goal: 1 mile, 20 min., 5 miles, whatever you want. (Though make it challenging.)
  • Join the WALKtober Walking Challenge (on Facebook) and join the conversation.
  • Walk your goal distance every day for 31 days.

I’ve been walking 2 miles a day for quite a while (my first streak lasted 107 days), so I’m going to continue to do that with a twist. I’m adding a 4-mile walk one day each weekend. Choose what works for you.

Why join an online walking challenge?

Various studies show that joining a group helps to maintain a fitness habit. When you have workout partners who encourage you, you are more likely to complete your workout, or walk in our case, even when you don’t feel like it. The camaraderie of the participants in the 30-day 60-mile Challenge proves that even belonging to an online group encouraged many members to walk every day!

Being alone more, especially during this pandemic, can lead to depression and cause people to be less active. When we can’t get together in person, an online group adds a social aspect to walking we are all missing right now. Though simply walking each day can boost your mood, chatting with others about your accomplishments is even better, and can encourage you to continue.

You might even win some fun prizes.

So, set your walking goal, join the WALKtober Facebook Group, and let’s get walking.



October 14, 2020 at 6:26 pm

Now is a great time to boost your activity so you are ready for shoveling and winter sports, and motivated to maintain your fitness year round, whether indoors or outdoors. Then, for the following week, make a goal to reach 3,000 steps per day every day. And when you’re ready, shoot for 4,000, and so on. If you are already walking 11,000 steps per day and you want to challenge yourself to get more fit this fall, make it your goal to strive for 13,000 steps per day.

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